Deep Healing with Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra Teacher Training in Brussels
What goes up must come down, and what comes in must go out.
This is true not only for breath and food but also for all of our experiences. There may have been happy times, sorrowful times, or traumatic times. These experiences manifest as fear, anxiety, and restlessness, all of which are signs of trauma hidden in the body.
When we experience something, our whole being takes in that feeling and sensation and creates a memory all over the body. This we can compare to computers. As the computer saves all the data on the hard drive so does the body. As a result, this memory (stored data) influences our physiology and behaviour. Some of these experiences are dramatic and impact our lives deeply, others are not so significant.
Memory (stored data) influences our physiology & behaviour
Oftentimes, we re-live these experiences (stored data) in dreams, imagination, assumption, and fantasy.We often discard or do not even record as we feel it was just a dream. We observe that many times our heartbeat was high, or we were sweating after a bad dream. This is only a sign that our subconscious is trying to sort them out. And it still stays in our memory somewhere.
In the yogic language, we call them Samskaras. Samskaras are stored everywhere within us but are most obvious in our bodies. It is also in our behaviour, but that is more subtle. As a computer analogy, the body can be viewed as a hard drive and glitches as a result of the stored data. It is likely that we are losing energy and functioning as a result of data we are not even aware of.
It doesn't matter if they're positive or negative; memories influence us in the present. In spite of the fact that these memories will remain part of your being for the rest of your life, you can process them in such a way that their influence on your body and mind is no longer felt.
Yoga Nidra as one of the most effective tools to restore energy
One of the most effective processes to help in this aspect is Yoga Nidra.
As a result of practicing yoga Nidra, your brain waves slow down as you enter a deep alpha or theta state. This promotes relaxation and is associated with deep healing and regeneration. The state in which you find yourself enables you to be free from your Samskaras, which consist of the total storage of your inputs.
The practice of technically correct Yoga Nidra can contribute to a feeling of well-being and fresh energy due to the removal of some active files from the subconscious. When all the baggage of life is suddenly stripped away, we are very easily able to reach the simplicity of life.
The Yoga Nidra method is a method that enables us to close all the windows taking up a great deal of processing power on our brains, which was taking up a lot of time and energy. When we understand the process above, it is easy to relate it to health, since our emotions have a direct impact on our well-being.
Continuing along this path, we can truly be free and become lighter and lighter as time passes. Simple :).
Get a taste of Yoga Nidra by listening to this recording for a quick recharge.