Am I eligible/qualified enough to sign up for a teacher's training?

Only prerequisite to start the teacher training is a ‘click’ with yoga. The moment you feel this system of yoga is doing good to you and you want to go to another level of refinement, you are ready for it. You can enroll the way you are without any preparation as the training itself is your preparation. You don’t need any sort of personality development or any pre knowledge of yoga or a particular level of fitness. Our groups are consisting of all ages, all genders, nationalities, different languages. You can always call us to discuss what you think is your challenge area.

Can I only do a Teacher Training when I want to start teaching Yoga?

Becoming a yoga teacher might not necessarily be your primary focus and that‘s ok! Maybe you just want to deepen your own practice and Yogic studies and also in that case a Teacher Training is the best place to come to. We as Yogalife do have to warn you that many students during their training fall in love with sharing their Yoga and most of our graduates do start teaching. You do you!

What is the prerequisite for a Teachers Training Course?

Come with an open mind, ready to learn and surrender yourself to the process. Come with a critical mind, ready to investigate what is being taught. Come with trust that all pieces of the puzzle will come together by the end of this training. Come with full commitment and presence. Come with a hunger to learn more.

My body isn‘t flexible enough, can I still be part of the Training?

Every body is a Yoga body. As Yoga teachers, we learn how to find the right variations and modifications for every type of body or injury. We must be able to do exactly the same for ourselves. Flexibility is something that can be a result of practicing Yoga, it is not the aim of Yoga.

What style of Yoga does Yogalife teach?

Hatha Yoga is the mother of all Yoga styles. It is the most authentic Yoga to teach as all existing Yoga styles are derived from Hatha. Yogalife teaches the foundational principles of asana (postures) and unique 'hands-on‘ adjustments. From here on, each student can develop their own teacher personality and style. We feel limiting a student to a particular sequence is limiting the growth of a would be teacher.

Are you a Yoga Alliance Registered School and can i get a certified teacher?

Yes we are! Check Yogalife‘s profile on Yoga Alliance , read student reviews and our student rating of 4,72 out of 5 stars! After finishing our 200h and 300h you can get a registered yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance.

Who are the teachers and what is their experience?

Yogalife teachers are a family of unique individuals and inspiring teachers, each with their own expertise in the field of Yoga, philosophy, anatomy, psychology.Each teacher is trained average at least 5 years before being included in the teaching team. Each weekend is delivered by an expert lead teacher and 4 assistant teachers. Read all bio‘s here and find out who we are!

Will I be a certified teacher at the end of the training?

Yes, if all components are completed, you will receive a certificate and you will officially be a Yoga teacher. This certification will allow you to register with Yoga Alliance. Will I be able to teach after completing Teacher Training? Yes! From the first weekend on, we already start small teaching methodology exercises. By the 9th weekend you will have significant teaching experience and you will have found the true joy of sharing Yoga. You will be ready to go out and teach your own classes!

Can I also become an advanced teacher with Yogalife after the 200h training?

Yes, you can. We are offering you a 300h deep dive divided into 4 uniquely designed Modules (Yoga Nidra, Yoga Anatomy, Pranayama and Sadhana/Advanced Yogic Studies) on your way to become a RYT500.

What if I miss some training hours or a whole weekend?

Yogalife students are asked for their full commitment and presence throughout the training. Of course life happens and something might get in the way of your attendance. In that case, we look for the best solution together to make up for the hours. You will get the opportunity to do the topic in another training (also possible in one of our other locations) or do an online version of this topic. We might give you an extra assignment to make sure you have understood the material. In short, we are always here as teachers to give you extra wherever it is needed. If you are genuine and hungry to learn as a student, there are always solutions!

How much time is required for homework and assignments?

How much time is required for homework and assignments? Throughout the training, you will be preparing your classes. In the beginning creating your sequences might take up some extra time. Next to that, you will complete two written assignments that will take a couple of hours to complete. Your own Yoga practice at home ideally takes up some time every day. The schedule of completing different tasks is shared on time so everybody can plan accordingly.

Can I participate in the Training if I am fully working/have a busy family life?

Yes, you can. We all have busy schedules and we understand it can be a challenge sometimes. Yoga is actually teaching us the tools on how to become effective in our energy management. What is the significance of it all if we can not put it to use in our everyday and very real buzzing lives? The weekend models are specially designed, keeping functional, working and family people. Talk openly to your family before the start of the training, explaining the importance and announcing that these 9 weekends will be focused on your Yoga training.

Is Yoga or OM a religion?

Yoga is not a religion. Yoga is a system designed to live a full life. Yoga is a life management tool.

Can I pay in installments?

Yes, you can! It would be a sad thing if a genuine student misses out on starting their dream education because of financial reasons. Please reach out to us and let us know where you are financially. We will look for a solution together and see which payment program is reasonable. If you want to do this training, nothing should stop you!

Are books and materials included in the price of the training?

Yogalife‘s training manual is included in the price and received on the first day of every Teacher Training. Next to that we ask you to purchase for the 200h teacher training 'Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha‘ by Bihar School of Yoga as a guide through exploring Yoga postures. Other books can be recommended as tips but definitely are not compulsory. For the anatomy advanced training we would like you to purchase “Illustrated Yoga Anatomy”. Further information will follow upon application.

When will I find out if I have been accepted into the program?

Within 3 working days, you will receive an email with information about your acceptance into the program. In case you haven‘t heard back from us, do check your spam folder or contact us through info@yogalife.org.