23 Ocotober 2024| 19:00-21:30 | Raum für Resonanz, Cologne

30 October 2024 | 19:00-21:30 | Raum für Resonanz, Cologne

First 5 spots 70€ | Regular 120€ | Yogalife Alumni 60€

In this workshop, you will get to know Antastha Yoga, Sanjeev Bhanot’s signature style of yoga. 

Antastha yoga is the yoga of inner depth. A journey within. A meditation in motion. A process to nourish your spirit. 

It is a process which starts practising blindfolded to allow you to connect with your inner self deeply. When we remove our literal sense of vision we are far more open to experience an unparalleled inner quietness, stronger periods of mediation and an intense self-awareness that ultimately leads to life-changing growth and discovery.

The first part of the session will cover a particular series of Asanas (postures), Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses) and Pranayama (breathing). Combining these practices, you'll experience an immediate impact on your nervous system, fostering deeper relaxation and calmness while expanding your awareness.

With this, Antastha Yoga opens pathways to find answers to crucial life questions like "Who am I" and "What do I want"?. 

Thus, we will dedicate the second part of the session to making space for and exploring participants' questions. Through practical examples, Sanjeev will shed light on the connection between our state of mind, emotions, and physical body, and how yogic perspectives can help overcome challenges and blockages in life.

Book your spot here

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